What do you run?

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What do you run?

Postby Insanity5902 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:12 am

Just curious to see what everybody is running. Too many choices to start a poll. I'll get us started off.

This is my current setup (as of about 10:30 last night).

  • Gentoo Linux running 2.6.26 Kernel
  • xf86-video-ati, from git (still working on getting 3d working)
  • Gnome 2.22 w/ metacity, (did have compiz-fusion w/ fglrx, but can't until I get r500 3d working)

As for my main apps.

I use
  • zsh, for my shell
  • gnome-terminal
  • Firefox
  • Zimbra, for e-mail, web based
  • scribes, programming editor

I've always ran Gentoo. In the beginning I use to use OpenBox, then FVWM, then XFCE. With my new laptop I tried KDE 4.0, didn't like it and moved to gnome. It is a bit heavy but I like the integration of the desktop. One day I might look back at XFCE or even FVWM, I just don't have the time to tinker with it much anymore. I started out using Debian in the beginning, but never got it working and moved to Gentoo and haven't looked back. I run Gentoo, CentOS and Ubuntu on my servers.

I can't think of anything else, if you can, add it.
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Re: What do you run?

Postby Tracy » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:55 pm

Ubuntu. It's just easier for me. I don't have time to learn how each distro arranges itself. I have tinkered with Linux for what seems like forever but I took the total Linux conversion about 3+ years ago and Ubuntu is what I picked. Once I settled on a distro I learn it and got comfortable with it. Sure there are reasons to use other distros such as a pre-canned setups like FreeNAS, MythTV, Switchbox..., but for desktop and server I use what I am most familiar with.
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Re: What do you run?

Postby stack » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:04 pm

Debian, running whatever kernel was the latest on the last reboot :D
I run Stable for anything I consider important, and testing for everything else. Security updates and updates that I know fix a bug I have are usually the only updates I run. Then on reboot, I do a full update and reboot again. Once I get it into a stable state, it stays that way for a while...I love Linux...

I tried using KDE many years ago and didn't like it, so I went with Gnome. Over the years I just end up being more comfortable in Gnome then anything else though I do use XFCE for lightweight/old systems. I still bootup KDE every once in a while, but for whatever reason I never stay for long.

I also use CentOS at work, but it is the only RPM based distro that I can stand for longer then...well after I attempt any kind of install (I had a real problem a few years ago and got pulled into RPM Dependency Hell...it was a true nightmare. Dang near gave up Linux because of it but that is another story. I no longer have any tolerance for RPM hell. I did an install of FC9 a few months ago, ran updates with yum update and immediately had issues with dependencies. I didn't even Google search for an answer, I just stuck in my Ubuntu CD and rebooted. For those who want to flame me for religious intolerance feel free to send me a PM so we don't clutter the forums :D ).

My wife, my brother, and both of my sisters have completely fallen in love with Ubuntu. I don't hate Ubuntu or anything, I just prefer Debian. I even run Ubuntu on my Laptop..but truth be told I probably wouldn't if it wasn't for everyone around me that needs occasional help... :oops:
I do enjoy it and I do run mythbuntu as my MythTV box.

As for my video card...it is whatever happens to be in the system or the best deal at purchase...Nvidia, ATI, Intel, 3DFX (yes I still have one), whatever. Very rarely do I care about the 3D support or need other driver sets (my failure was apparent last game day when I couldn't even get the ati driver to install properly).

I run compiz on the systems that support it (eg: systems I don't have to do much to turn it on). I dislike about 90% of compiz, but man...that 10%....I love it to death and get annoyed sometimes at the systems that don't have it... :D

As for my programs, Firefox and Kazehakase (though this was because firefox two was a resource hog and slow. Now that FF3 is out, I find myself not using it as much...if at all now that I think about it...) are my web browsers.
I am a big fan of Bash
Terminator ROCKS! I would have a lot more problems in my job if it wasn't for this program. I heart this program so very very much...
And to kick off yet another religious flame war is my statement of "who needs more then vi?" but let me clarify that I do prefer vim...and I have been known to use gedit (with full plugins! Couldn't do it without full code support, completion, and attached shell! The addons is what sells me on this one :D).
Those are the only icons I have shortcuts for in my icon panel. I use others, but not enough to justify a position on the panel :lol:

This is one of the reasons I like this group so much. It isn't very large (so you get to meet everyone) but it is very diverse. There won't be too many of the same answers in this thread.

Side note to Insanity5902: Gentoo has always been a thorn in my Linux experience. I have tried countless times, but have never truly gotten a stable install. Yet I really want one. Granted the last time I tried was well over a year ago...still... Anyway, one of these meetings, I am going to have to snag you and have you help me do an install if that's OK. I have praise for Gentoo and quite the story for you sometime if you care to hear. I just have some difficulty so any help would be appreciated.
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Re: What do you run?

Postby hronmeer » Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:18 am

On my work laptop, I'm currently running Fedora 8, with a Windows XP VM (I know, but we use certain Microsoft products at work that I'm pretty much required to use in order to do my job). I've thought about upgrading to Fedora 9, but haven't so far, cuz I'm not sure I want the downtime on my work laptop.

On my personal laptop, I'm running Fedora 9, and it's been working really well for me.

I tried KDE once, and it looked really pretty, but there were certain features I needed that worked better in Gnome, so I reluctantly went back to Gnome. I may see about playing with KDE more in the future, though.
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Re: What do you run?

Postby Insanity5902 » Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:41 am

@tracy: I am the same way, I use Gentoo b/c I know it inside out and for me, it is stable as a rock. I only use Ubuntu or CentOS when it is required for support reasons. Mainly my mail servers. I am running Zimbra now on Ubuntu

@stack: Definitely I've been meaning to get involved in the fwlug for the last few years and just keep getting busy. I am making myself do it now though so hopefully you will see me at the next meeting.
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Re: What do you run?

Postby tenmei » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:37 pm

I have a Win 2K WAMP server on a rack beside my desk that handles a few websites and primary dns, an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS LAMP server beside that, my Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Zimbra ZCS mail server beside that and my development Win XP machine next to that. On my desk I have Ubuntu 8.04 LTS running in an older Shuttle XPC that I plan to use as a development machine once I make the final jump from MS. All connected through dsl, only 5 static ip's but I manage by using virtual hosting in Apache. The nice thing in winter is that I rarely need to turn on the heat here in my apartment! The computers keep things toasty. Not an advantage in summer though ...
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Re: What do you run?

Postby LinuxNative » Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:45 pm

Model: Dell Precision M6300
Videocard: Nvidia Quadro FX 1600M
Network: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5756ME
Wifi: Intel 3945
Bluetooth: Dell
Webcam: n/a
Touchpad: Synaptics
Hotkey Multimedia buttons work with no tweaking.
Display: 1920X1200
OS: 32 bit Fedora 8
Desktop: Gnome *rock hands*
Suspend on Disk: untested
Suspend on RAM: untested
Comments: Gnome Network Manager sees my aircard, and it will work with no tweaking at all.
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Re: What do you run?

Postby shultzjr » Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:29 am

Since I support Windows, I have several versions running at the shop 2000, xp and vista. When I started with Linux in the early 90's it was slackware but I got tired of all the fiddling. Now I use Knoppix and other live cd's to "fix" Windows problems and my main machines Linux wise tend to be Utuntu and Debian the net install version. If I want something under Debian I just apt-get it. I still go back to SUSE and Fedora and CentOS once in a while but not so much any more. When building machine for beginners I am using Kubuntu more and more. For the server side it tends to be Debian, CentOS and SUSE since there is more support there.

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