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The "I'm Linux" Video Contest

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:48 pm
by maczimus
"If you've been alive and aware of mass media over the last twelve months, you've probably seen television commercials from Apple and Microsoft touting their operating system. From Apple's ubiquitous "I'm a Mac" to Jerry Seinfeld to Microsoft's "I'm a PC" retort, operating system commercials have been flooding the airways. Except one OS has been notably absent – Linux."

Hey everybody, let's get together and make this work....Looks like it could be a good push toward getting the word out about Linux and letting people know that there is a choice..

Re: The "I'm Linux" Video Contest

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:48 pm
by stack
Sure! I will help out. Don't have any video equipment or anything, but I am willing to help if someone has an idea/equipment!